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[-][+][-]Growing up, Momma made sure that I had the best breastforms and gaffe inmy size. But with the new bodysuit on, there was no way to tell that Iwas ever a boy. I had firm breasts, a tiny waist and feminine hips thatfelt as natural as if I had been born a girl. The specially grown skinwas cultured from T-Cells with nano-technology that governed the skininto creating a male or female form. Once worn, it would adapt the bodyof the host to the new gender as well as create any missing body. So, you can't do it.You have to lead a double life without going cold turkey like you would if you were undercover. At least I didn't have the problem of telling the other woman - Karen - that sure, I'm going to tell my wife about us so that I can be with you, though oddly, that is what I would have preferred to do.When I worked with Karen at the office, I had to be sure to keep the intensity out of my eyes, to adjust the level of familiarity in my body language.I wasn't aware of anybody I. Carly was both shocked and panicked when she found out. Her first thought was that Haley would tell their parents and they’d take her brand new car away. She was also shocked that her innocent little sister would stand in the hallway peeping on us the whole time. I recognized right away that Haley wasn’t as innocent as Carly thought. I told Carly she didn’t have to worry about her little sister, she wasn’t going to say anything to anybody, except maybe her friends.After we got dressed and. "She could see, from the length of the hallway and the distance there had been in between the doors to the apartments in the corridor outside, that the apartment was spacious likely to be spacious. However, when she walked into the room that was to be hers for the week, she wasn't prepared for just how big it was. She'd been in smaller hotel suits. There was a huge bed that made almost no impact on the space, a large dressing table and a whole wall of wardrobes. She put her bag down on the bed.
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