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They thrust a pillow under her ass, raising her pussy in offering. Her tiny, coral lipped pussy nestling in a fleece of golden curls.And all it would cost was money to posses it, to be the first to anoint it with their seed. To forcefully take its riches, to plunder and debase it. Then the satisfaction of watching the losing bidders take their turn.The shouting was virtually hysterical as the lawyer started a formal auction.He was good. He was very good.Opening her pussy with his fingers as he. I walked around the slot machines and looked for a lucky one. I found one with a picture of Elvis on it and decided that would be it, after all, he was the king of Las Vegas! " Bring me good luck". I whispered silently to the king. Well, he must've heard me because after playing around with $30 bucks in change, the machine started making all kinds of noises and lights started blinking on and off and then quarters just started spilling out all over the place! So fast I tried to catch them in the. No she won't, anyway she's leaving shortly she going to her Mothers, why I asked ? Dave told me his Mother in Law was not well and need putting to,bed! What about you he then said to me are you going to let me put you to,bed, don't be rude anyway I'm your sister in Law, I've got the car parked out the back in a nice dark place, shut up Dirty boy I said jokingly. It was not long before his wife left, Before leaving she said Dave will.drop you off, won't you Dave, of course I will he replied. . Well I found a very nice purse for my wife and bought it for her. It was not an ordinary purse, it contained two digital video cameras in a false bottom. One pointed out the front and the other out the right side. There was an on-off switch built into the handle and there were two tiny monitors just inside if there was a need to see what she was aimed at.I bought the camera purse for her because she had often told me about a woman at work that changed into her jogging clothes to run on the.
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