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Screams to be fucked hard. And I obliged. I rammed my stick in and out of my new bitch playmate and hear the crude slapping sounds of our sexes bumping grinding into one another. It continues until I can hold back no longer and pump her twat full of dangerous sperm. Three bitches have gotten sexual attention from me by the time I head home, do my chores and get ready for supper. Two have my jizm in their cunt and assholes. Some days I can get three girls running around with my sperm. I saw her first time during my engagement and she was wearing the black suit with deep (breast) cut, a small sharp line dividing two balls was clearly visible and good enough to make feel the sensation in the brain and body of any sane person. She was quite reserve (but really intelligent) and generally didn’t get open even with relatives and other known people. Initially she was reserve with me too; any how a good luck was waiting for me in future.I forgot to tell you that my in laws stay in. It wasn’t a good idea, but the next thing I knew I was ascending stairs in some dingy apartment complex with peeling paint on its walls and exposed pipes that ran this way and that.She took me up to her room and turned on a small lamp on a small table which buzzed with the current from the wall. It was a one room apartment, the kitchen separated from the bedroom by just a small counter. Bent Venetian blinds hung in the window above the bed and a few sparse decorations adorned the walls. I tried. At this point many may desire to know what my wife and I look like as well as some history so let me digress. My name is Alexand and you do not need to know my last name but I am 5'10 and of medium build with hazel coloured eyes and a somewhat striking face some even call me handsome. My wife's name is Lucilla and she is 5'6 and a very attractive woman with a classic coke bottle figure. She and I had known one another from high school and had once gone on a date when we were nineteen. I had.
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